A picture of me, a white woman, and a bookshelf at the Los Angeles bookstore Last Word.

Angelina Edith Eimannsberger

Angelina Eimannsberger is a Ph.D. candidate in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, with a certificate in Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, at the University of Pennsylvania. Her dissertation is titled Trivial Pursuits: Women Readers, Materialist Feminism, and the New Life of Bookishness in the Twenty-First Century and explores possibilities and limitations of feminist reading communities in and around book clubs, social media, and the romance genre with a mixed-methods approach that includes literary criticism, digital humanities and ethnography, and gender studies. Her most recent publication is the co-authored essay "Genre Juggernaut: Measuring ‘Romance’" in PublicBooks and she has the peer-reviewed article “The Romance Shop Around the Corner: How Women Readers Created a New Kind of Independent Bookstore” forthcoming with New Americanist.