

J.D. Porter, Angelina Eimannsberger, James F. English, May Hathaway, Ashna Yakoob. “Genre Juggernaut: Taking the Measure of ‘Romance’ in Goodreads.” Public Books. November 10, 2023. 

Angelina Eimannsberger and Kristen Ghodsee. “Politicized Representations of Love and Sex: Reading the GDR’s Das Magazin.” Sex and Politics, special issue of Groniek, vol. 53, no. 226, 2021, pp 23-37. 

Angelina Eimannsberger. “Beyond the ‘Romance of Wealth:’ A New Kind of Contemporary Romance Novels with a Socialist Feminist Lens.” (Under Submission.) 

Angelina Eimannsberger. “Taking Tea: Being Woman in The House of Mirth and Notre- dame-des-Fleurs.” (In Progress.) 

Book Review


Review of Jane Austen, Early and Late, by Freya Johnston. SHARP News 2024. (Forthcoming.)

“Jill Richards’s The Fury Archives: Female Citizenship, Human Rights, and the International Avant-Gardes.”
Review of The Fury Archives, by Jill Richards. ASAP/J.

August 20, 2020.